Blue Economy
Blue Economy
Blue Economy: Harnessing the power and beauty of Eastern North Carolina’s coastal resources
The Blue Economy in Eastern North Carolina is a fast-growing sector that celebrates and benefits from the region’s abundant marine resources and coastal assets. This industry encompasses a wide range of activities related to the water, including commercial and recreational fishing, aquaculture, marine biotechnology, tourism, boat building, and shipping. And with over 3,000 miles of coastline, our state is an amazing place for the Blue Economy to flourish.
Leveraging its extensive coastline, estuaries, and the Outer Banks, Eastern North Carolina has become a hub for sustainable economic development that balances ecological health with economic growth.
NC East Alliance is working to strengthen this sector by supporting workforce training, fostering industry partnerships, and promoting sustainable development practices. And our region’s love of and familiarity with Eastern North Carolina’s coastal resources uniquely positions our citizens as emerging business owners and future-focused employees for the Blue Economy.
The Blue Economy, by the numbers
- North Carolina has 3,375 miles of coastline
- The state’s seafood landings are valued at approximately $77 million annually
- Coastal tourism and recreation support over 62,000 jobs in North Carolina
Key Blue Economy employers
- Jarrett Bay Boatworks
- Hatteras Yachts
- Grady-White Boats
- Parker Offshore
- Regulator Marine
Blue Economy job opportunities in Eastern NC
Job opportunities in our region include, but are not limited to:
- Fisheries Technician
- Aquaculture Specialist
- Coastal Tourism Manager
- Port and Maritime Logistics Coordinator
- Shipwright
- Marine Engineer
How we help
NCEast Alliance is growing and supporting the Blue Economy by:
- Working with local employers and schools to develop training programs
- Enhancing STEM education around marine sciences
- Collaborating with coastal businesses to attract investment
- Organizing regional job fairs that support local interest and employment
- Creating marketing campaigns that showcase the beauty and opportunity inherent in Eastern NC’s coastal resources