Want to start a new business but not sure where the profits are or even how to get started? Come learn for free about local opportunities and the types of support available at the first annual Martin County Entrepreneurs Expo to be held Saturday, Feb. 4 from 10am-4pm at the Senator Bob Martin Eastern Agriculture Center Conference Building in Williamston.
Williamston, NC – Want to start a new business but not sure where the profits are or even how to get started? Come learn for free about local opportunities and the types of support available at the first annual Martin County Entrepreneurs Expo to be held Saturday, Feb. 4 from 10am-4pm at the Senator Bob Martin Eastern Agriculture Center Conference Building in Williamston.
Attendees will hear expert panelists and speakers from the private and government sectors talk about everything from taxes to business licensing to corporate structure to creating a business plan. Exhibitors include utilities companies, wholesale products providers, business equipment providers, banks, and professionals such as attorneys and accountants all geared to support startups and growing small businesses.
“We are excited about the chance to let people know what opportunities there are to start successful businesses here in Martin County,” said co-organizer Brent Kanipe, planning director for the Town of Williamston. “We have more than $53 million in annual retail dollars leaving our county that’s waiting to be captured by local entrepreneurs.”
Kanipe said that the local Economic Development Committee, composed of civic leaders from across Martin County, has been discussing this event since a strategic study revealed multiple opportunities for entrepreneurs to turn a profit across multiple retail industries.
“Supporting entrepreneurship is an important part of economic development,” said Billy Barber, Business and Industry Director for Martin Community College. “It’s no secret that small businesses are a key component of job creation, and we want folks to know that there are opportunities to start a business right in their own back yard.”
Expert speakers will discuss how to start down the path to creating a business plan in a separate breakout morning session from 11am-12 pm and an afternoon session from 2-3pm. Attendees will be free to check out vendors and support organizations and also hear from state and local panelists about potential support from government and nonprofit sectors. Admission is free.
Sponsors include ElectriCities, Envirolink, Martin County Committee of 100, the Town of Bear Grass, the Town of Robersonville, the Town of Williamston, Martin Community College, Martin County Economic Development Corporation, Martin County Chamber of Commerce, Carolina Small Business Development Fund, and The Boyd Agency.
CONTACT: Jamie Heath (252) 792-5142 or jamieheath@townofwilliamston.com